
QISN Track and Field

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We are QISS

Yesterday, our Lower School students from Grades 3-5 proudly represented QISS at the Track and Field event held at YCIS Campus in Huangdao. Our young athletes’ energy, determination, and spirit were truly amazing as they embodied the QISS values of inclusivity, compassion, integrity, and creativity throughout the day.


어제, 저희 초등부 3~5학년 학생들이 QISS를 대표하여 YCIS에서 열린 육상대회에 참가하였다. 선수들의 활기차고 결의에 찬 정신은 사람들을 감탄하게 합니다. 그들은 경기에서 QISS의 정직, 공감, 포용, 창의력의 가치관을 구현했습니다.

QISS track field

Details of medal winners and their sports here.


자세한 정보를 보려면 여기를 클릭하십시오.

G3 Medal Winners:

G3 奖牌获得者

G3 메달 획득자

Kara: 1st Place Sprints, 1st Place High Jump, 1st Place Standing Jump, 3rd Place Long Jump

Vlada: 1st Place Long Jump

Leo: 1st Place Shotput

Jason: 1st Place High Jump

Winona: 2nd Place Standing Jump, 3rd Place Sprints

Tracy: 2nd Place Shotput, 3rd Place Standing Jump

Lower school QISS

G5 Medal Winners:

G5 奖牌获得者

G5 메달 획득자

Alice: 1st Place Long Jump

Michelle: 3rd Place Javelin, 3rd Place Sprints

Ryan: 3rd Place Javelin

Stephanie: 3rd Place Standing Jump

William: 3rd Place High Jump

QISN QISS sharks

Our lower school sports program encourages students to stay active, build their skills, and strive for teamwork. The recess practices and awesome effort put in by our sharks laid the groundwork for their incredible results at the competition. It’s been wonderful to see how these moments of fun, play and practice turned into medal-worthy performances on the track and field!


저희 초등부 체육 시간에는 학생들이 운동 기량과 팀워크를 기를 수 있도록 권장하고 있습니다. ‘상어’들이 훈련에 쏟은 엄청난 노력은 이들이 대회에서 좋은 성적을 낼 수 있는 발판을 마련했습니다. 이렇게 즐거운 연습 시간이 육상 경기장의 메달로 이어지는 것을 볼 때 매우 영광입니다!

QISS LS sharks track
QISN track field

Our students brought their best to each event, with several winning medals across various categories. Their hard work and perseverance paid off, and we couldn’t be more proud!


학생들은 매 대회 최고의 기량을 발휘했고 몇몇 학생들은 메달을 따기도 했다. 그들의 노력과 끈기가 보답을 받았으니, 저희는 이 일에 대해 더없이 자랑스럽다! 

QISS LS track field

G4 Medal Winners:

G4 奖牌获得者

G4 메달 획득자

August: 1st Place Shotput

Zoe-Lee: 2nd Place Javelin

QISN competition

We want to thank our Athletics Director, Mr. Riki, and our incredible teachers for teaching the students during lunch recess. We believe “doing is learning” and allowing opportunities to experience new sports and learn new skills is so important to holistic development.

我们要感谢Mr. Riki和我们出色的老师们在休息时间为孩子们做出的努力。我们相信,让学生们有机会体验新运动、学习新技能对学生的全面发展非常重要。

휴식 시간 동안 아이들을 위해 애써주신 Mr. Riki와 훌륭한 선생님들께 감사드립니다. 저희는 학생들이 새로운 운동을 경험하고 새로운 기술을 배울 수 있는 기회를 주는 것이 학생들의 전반적인 발전을 위해 매우 중요하다고 믿습니다.

QISN primary race

Enjoy some photos of our students practicing hard during their lunch recess, showing their journey from the schoolyard to the competition field.


학생들이 점심시간을 이용해서 열심히 훈련하는 사진을 보며 학교 운동장에서 경기장까지 모든 과정을 알아보세요.

Lower school QISS qingdao
Watch Little Sharks nursery
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