
QISS Weekly Update: 2020-2021 Week 30

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 posted on Apr 23, 2021 by  in News and Updates

Dear QISS Families and Friends,

This is another reminder that Friday, April 30th is a regular school day.  The Labor Day holiday is now being observed from May 1 to May 3.  Classes will resume on Tuesday, May 4th after the holiday. 


4월30일 금요일은 정상등교일 입니다. 노동절 휴일은5월1일-3일까지로 변경 되었습니다. 연휴 이후 5월4일 화요일부터 등교가 시작됩니다.


QISS Weekly Update: 2020-2021 Week 30




Thank you to everyone that joined us for the QISS Town-hall meetings this week.  We are excited about the future of QISS and appreciate your support as we move forward into the 2021-2022 school year.


QISS Weekly Update: 2020-2021 Week 30




이번주 타운홀 미팅에 참석해 주신 여러분들께 감사드립니다. 2021-22학년도를 맞이함에 있어 학부모님의 지원에 감사드리며 QISS밝은 미래를 기대해 봅니다.


QISS Weekly Update: 2020-2021 Week 30



Please return re-enrollment forms by April 30th so that we can continue planning for next school year.  Those of you that plan to take advantage of the early payment discount with a full tuition payment, please be reminded that date is June 1, 2021. 


새학년도의 계획을 위해 4월30일까지 재등록표를 학교에 제출해 주시기 바랍니다. 2021년 6월1일까지 새학년도의 학비를 전액 납부하실경우 조기등록 할인을 받으실수 있습니다.




QISS students are fully engaged every day through inquiry and project based learning…


QISS학생들은 매일 다양한 탐구와 프로젝트 배움에 집중하고 있습니다.


QISS Weekly Update: 2020-2021 Week 30
QISS Weekly Update: 2020-2021 Week 30



QISS students are provided differentiated instruction to best meet their academic needs…


QISS 학생들은 최상의 학습효과를 위하여 다양한 지도 방식을 제공받고 있습니다.


QISS Weekly Update: 2020-2021 Week 30
QISS Weekly Update: 2020-2021 Week 30



QISS students have multiple opportunities to excel in their true passions…


QISS 학생들은 그들의 순수한 열정을 높이기 위하여 다양한 기회를 제공받고 있습니다.


QISS Weekly Update: 2020-2021 Week 30
QISS Weekly Update: 2020-2021 Week 30



QISS students are future global leaders…


QISS 학생들은 미래의 글로벌 리더로 성장하고 있습니다.


QISS Weekly Update: 2020-2021 Week 30
QISS Weekly Update: 2020-2021 Week 30




School Calendar 2020-2021

April 27 – Fine Arts Night

May 1 to 3 – Labor Day Holiday (no classes)

May 7/8 – ACAMIS Track & Field (Beijing)

May 11 – Early dismissal at 1pm/Staff Professional Development

May 13 – ASAPs end

May 18/19 – Student Led Conferences (early dismissal at 1pm)

May 28 – High School Graduation



QISS Weekly Update: 2020-2021 Week 30



If you are a member of our diverse and talented school community at QISS, please share our story with a friend.


QISS의 다양한 학교 생활과 행사에 관한 이야기를 주변분들과 나눠 주시기 바랍니다.


If you would like to stay updated on the great things happening at QISS, please extract the QR code below.


더 많은 다양한 소식을 원하시면 아래의 QR코드를 스캔해 주시기 바랍니다.



QISS Weekly Update: 2020-2021 Week 30



Qingdao No. 1 International School of Shandong Province

232 Songling Road

Laoshan District, Qingdao, China 266101

Tel: (0532) 6889-8888

Email: admissions@qiss.org.cn

Web: www.qiss.org.cn



QISS Weekly Update: 2020-2021 Week 30
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