Dear QISS Families and Friends,
Happy New Year and welcome back! The teachers and staff at QISS are ready to welcome all your children back to school. We sincerely hope that your holiday was restful, productive and rejuvenating all at the same time. The 2nd semester of this school year is going to be a memorable one for all your children. QISS seeks to provide your kids with the best quality education along with the social and emotional support needed to be successful. We want all our students at QISS to strive to be the global leaders of tomorrow as we continue to model and practice our vitality, intelligence, compassion, courage, and sensitivity.
새해복많이받으세요! 다시학교로돌아오신여러분들환영합니다!QISS 교사들과직원들은학교로돌아온학생들을맞이할준비가되어있습니다.지난방학기간동안여러분들께서충분한휴식과재충전의시간을가지셨으리라생각됩니다. QISS 여러분의자녀의성공적인교육을위하여사회적,그리고정서적지원에최선교육환경을제공하고자노력하고있습니다. 저희는QISS학생들이미래의글로벌리더로서의역량을갖추기위한인성교육(vitality, intelligence, compassion, courage, sensitivity)에 최선을 다하고 있습니다.
Before we left for the winter holiday break, your students did an outstanding job of showcasing what they have learned during our Key Assignment Day for quarter 2. After the Key Assignment presentations, we were dazzled by the QISS Winter Program coordinated by Mr. Adam Solomon and his committee. The students did an incredible job preparing and performing a very entertaining show for all of us. Here are just a few photos.
在寒假之前,我们学生在他们的第二学段课业展示活动中表现出色。在这之后我们又被Mr. Adam Solomon和他所带队伍的冬季汇演所折服。学生们做了充分的准备,为我们呈现了一场精彩的演出,让我们印象深刻。
겨울방학 전 학생들은 Q2 키어사인먼트를 통하여 그동안 학생들이 배운내용을 발표 하였습니다. 이날 오후 Mr. Adam Solomon선생님과 위원회 분들이 이끌어간 QISS겨울 정기공연의 멋진 무대가 선보였습니다. 학생들은 공연을 위하여 열심히 준비하였으며 저희 모두에게 너무나 즐거운 무대를 선사해 주었습니다. 이날의 하이라이트 사진 입니다.
Click here to see more photos of the Winter Program
Thank you to our PTA moms for taking time to decorate our school for the holiday spirit and selling snacks during our winter program. We appreciate all that you do for the kids at QISS.
겨울 정기공연에 스낵판매를 맡아주시고 학교를 멋지게 꾸며주신 PTA학부모님들께 깊은 감사의 말씀 드립니다. 학생들의 위하여 수고해 주시는 부모님들께 늘 감사 드립니다.
G1 – Mr. Joshua…”Solar System Jeopardy” , ”太阳系的危险”, ”태양계의 위험”
G5 – Mr. Jay & Mr. Z…”Change-makers from around the world”, “来自世界各地的变革者”, “세상을 바꾼 사람들”
G8 STEAM – Ms. Hart & Ms. King…”Simple and Compound Machines”, “简单和复合的机器”, “ 간단하고 복잡한 기계들”
G2 – Ms. Jill…”How the World Works”, “世界如何运作”,“세상이 돌아가는 방법”
G4 – Ms. Kris & Mr. John…”Trading and Investing on the Silk Road: Myth Exhibition and Interactive Design and Building Show”
“ 실크로드의 교역: 신화전시와 디자인의 상호작용 그리고 빌딩쇼”
G8 – Mr. Knauss…”The Greek Polis: Sparta vs. Athens Campaign Project and Debate”
“그리스폴리스: 스파르타vs 아테네의 캠페인 프로젝트와 논쟁”
AP Chemistry – Mr. Underwood…”Electron Seminar”, “电子研讨会”, “전자회의”
G3 – Mrs. Merrick & Mrs. Rockwell…”Inventions Solve Problems”, “发明解决问题”, “발명, 문제를 해결하다”
G6 – Ms. Goodman…”Science Book Fair: Scientist, Authors, Activist”
“ 과학책 전람회: 과학자, 작가, 운동가”
Algebra – Ms. Chase…”Function Vending Machine”, ”功能自动售货机”, “ 자판기의 기능”
Click here to see more photos of Key Assignment Day
Qingdao No. 1 International School of Shandong Province
232 Songling Road
Laoshan District, Qingdao, China 266101