
QISS Weekly Update: 2018-2019 WEEK 17

Table of Contents

Dear QISS Families and Friends,

Thank you for joining us this Friday for our Key Assignment Day & Winter Program.  We always enjoy having our families come support their kids whether it be learning or showcasing their talents.  We hope you enjoy your winter holiday break with family.  As a reminder, the QISS school campus and offices will be closed until we greet you back on January 7th


이번주 금요일에 있었던 키 어사인먼트와 겨울 정기공연에 참석해주신 여러분들께 감사드립니다. 저희는 학생들의 학습 혹은 그들의 재능을 보여주는 자리에 늘 함께 해주시는 가족 여러분들께 감사드립니다. 저희는 여러분 모두 크리스마스 휴일에 즐거운 시간 보내시기 바라며 이 기간 학교와 교내 사무실은 방학에 들어가며 1월7일부터 새학기를 시작합니다.


QISS Weekly Update: 2018-2019 WEEK 17




The QISS Winter Masquerade Gala raised over 45,000 RMB for the PTA & Qingdao Expat Charity.  Over 200 guests attended the event at the Hyatt Regency Qingdao.  Thank you to all the families that were able to join such a fantastic evening.


QISS Weekly Update: 2018-2019 WEEK 17




QISS가면무도회 갈라는 PTA와 청도 외국인 자선단체를 위해 45,000위안의 기금이 모금 되었습니다. 이날 하얏트 레전시 호텔에 200여명이 넘는 게스트분들이 함께 자리해 주셨습니다. 이날 참석해 주시고 멋진 저녁을 함께 즐기신 여러분들께 감사 드립니다.


QISS Weekly Update: 2018-2019 WEEK 17



QISS Weekly Update: 2018-2019 WEEK 17





More Photos from Week 17


Quarter 2 Key Assignment Day


쿼터2 키 어사인먼트


Grade 5 – “What Systems Are You a Part of?”


QISS Weekly Update: 2018-2019 WEEK 17



Grade 3 – “Jurassic Park”


QISS Weekly Update: 2018-2019 WEEK 17



PreK/K & Grades 9-12 Creative Writing – “Mysterious Stories”


QISS Weekly Update: 2018-2019 WEEK 17



Grade 1 – “How the World Works: Survival of the Fittest”


QISS Weekly Update: 2018-2019 WEEK 17



Grade 8 Science – “Newton’s Escape Room”


QISS Weekly Update: 2018-2019 WEEK 17



Grade 2 – “Our Blue Planet”


QISS Weekly Update: 2018-2019 WEEK 17



Grades 6-8 Chinese classes – “Chinese Folk Fair”


QISS Weekly Update: 2018-2019 WEEK 17



Grade 4 – “The Silk Road: Exchanging Goods and Culture from Ancient Times”


QISS Weekly Update: 2018-2019 WEEK 17



AP Physics – “Catapults”


QISS Weekly Update: 2018-2019 WEEK 17



Grade 12 – “How Can I use my Data to Influence Others?”


QISS Weekly Update: 2018-2019 WEEK 17



Grade 6 – “In the Artist’s Studio”


QISS Weekly Update: 2018-2019 WEEK 17



Grade 6 – The Math & Art of Cooking


QISS Weekly Update: 2018-2019 WEEK 17



The QISS “Christmas around the World” Winter Program was a big hit.  Thank you to Mr. Austin Engel and Ms. Kristina Tucker and their performers for such a great show. 


QISS Weekly Update: 2018-2019 WEEK 17
QISS Weekly Update: 2018-2019 WEEK 17


我们的冬季汇演“世界各地的圣诞”非常精彩,感谢Mr. Austin Engel和 Ms. Kristina Tucker老师以及所有参加表演的孩子们为我们呈现的这场文艺盛宴。


QISS Weekly Update: 2018-2019 WEEK 17
QISS Weekly Update: 2018-2019 WEEK 17



QISS겨울 정기 공연 “ 전세계의 크리스마스”는 성공리에 마무리 되었습니다. 이번 공연을 멋지게 준비해준 Mr. Austin Engel과 Ms. Kristina Tucker에게 감사드립니다.


QISS Weekly Update: 2018-2019 WEEK 17
QISS Weekly Update: 2018-2019 WEEK 17



Thank you to the PTA for continuing to provide snack and drinks for our students and guests as part of a reception at the conclusion of the program.


이날 공연 마무리 리셉션에 학생들과 학부모님들께 간식과 음료를 판매해 주신 PTA학부모님들께 감사의 말씀 드립니다.



School Calendar 2018-2019

December 15th to January 6th – QISS School Offices will be closed (Winter Holiday Break)

January 11th – Quarter 2 Report Cards

January 14th to 18th – Festival of Words Week

January 15th – Early Dismissal Day/Teacher Professional Development

January 18th to 20th – CISSMUN

January 22nd – PEP Talk



QISS Weekly Update: 2018-2019 WEEK 17



If you are a member of our diverse and talented school community at QISS, please share our story with a friend.


QISS의 다양한 학교 생활과 행사에 관한 이야기를 주변분들과 나눠 주시기 바랍니다.


If you would like to stay updated on the great things happening at QISS, please extract the QR code below.


더 많은 다양한 소식을 원하시면 아래의 QR코드를 스캔해 주시기 바랍니다.



QISS Weekly Update: 2018-2019 WEEK 17



Qingdao No. 1 International School of Shandong Province

232 Songling Road

Laoshan District, Qingdao, China 266101

Tel: (0532) 6889-8888

Email: admissions@qiss.org.cn

Web: www.qiss.org.cn

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