
QISS Weekly Update: 2018-2019 WEEK 7

Table of Contents

Dear QISS Families and Friends,

Please enjoy your week long break as we celebrate the Chinese National holiday from September 29 to October 7.  As a reminder, there are no LRC classes on September 29th and October 6th this week due to the holiday.


9월29일부터 10월 7일까지 국경절 연휴입니다. 이로인하여 LRC프로그램 참여학생은 9월29일과 10월6일 수업이 없음을 알려 드립니다.


QISS Weekly Update: 2018-2019 WEEK 7




We would like to thank the families that joined us for the first PEP talk this past Wednesday.  The informal discussion on “Life at an International School” is always an important topic for our new families.  Thank you to the student interpreters that participated as well.


QISS Weekly Update: 2018-2019 WEEK 7



感谢家长前来参加上周三的本学年首次家长教育课堂PEP talk。本次座谈以对新生家长非常重要的“国际学校生活”为主题,为家长们提供了多种多样的信息。在此感谢为本次座谈提供翻译的同学们。

지난 수요일 이번 학년도 첫번째 펩톡에 참여해주신 학부모님들께 감사의 말씀을 드립니다. 신입생 학부모님께 중요한 주제인 “국제학교 생활”이란 주제로 다양한 정보가 제공되는 시간이었습니다. 통역을 맡아준 학생들에게도 감사드립니다.


QISS Weekly Update: 2018-2019 WEEK 7






In Ms. Hart’s Anatomy and Physiology class, students were dissecting chicken wings to see the four types of tissue first hand.

在Ms. Hart老师的解剖生理学课上,学生们通过解剖鸡翅来直接认识4种组织。

Ms. Hart의 해부생물학 수업에 학생들은 닭날개 해부를 통해 4가지 종류의 조직을 직접 확인하고 있습니다.


QISS Weekly Update: 2018-2019 WEEK 7



Literacy stations in Ms. Paula’s Kindergarten class.


유치부에서는 영어 로테이션에 참여하고 있습니다.


QISS Weekly Update: 2018-2019 WEEK 7



Chinese language teachers celebrating the Mid-Autumn festival by teaching students and staff how to make mooncakes.


중국어 교사들이 중추절을 맞아 학생들과 교사들에게 월병만들기 행사를 진행하고 있습니다.


QISS Weekly Update: 2018-2019 WEEK 7



In grade 2, Ms. Rama’s students were putting on the scientist hat to explore how plants grow.  Step 1 – harvest some soil.

2年级Ms. Rama老师的学生们在观察植物的生长过程。第一步—获取土壤

2학년 Ms. Rama반의 학생들이 식물이 자라는 과정을 관찰하고 있습니다.     과정1- 토양채취


QISS Weekly Update: 2018-2019 WEEK 7



In Mr. Biwan’s high school mathematics class, students are creating scatterplots for the bungee jumping of a Power Ranger from the third floor later in the lesson.

在Mr. Biwan老师的高中数学课上,学生们正在为之后要进行的战士模型三楼蹦极跳实验设计散点图。

Mr. Biwan의 고등부 수학시간에 3층 높이에서 이후 수업에서 제작할 파워레인저의 번지점핑 산란도를 만드는 과정에 있습니다.


QISS Weekly Update: 2018-2019 WEEK 7



Middle school soccer teams matched up well last week against ISQ.  Girls won 2-0 and the boy’s game ended in a draw 0-0.  Well done Sharks!


중학교 축구팀 학교별 대항전이 지난주에 있었습니다. ISQ를 상대로 여학생팀이 2대0으로 승리를 거뒸으며 남학생팀은 0대0무승부로 마무리 되었습니다. Sharks선수들에게 큰 박수를 보냅니다!


QISS Weekly Update: 2018-2019 WEEK 7



Lunch Menu for next week


다음주 점심메뉴 입니다.


QISS Weekly Update: 2018-2019 WEEK 7






School Calendar 2018-2019

October 1 to 5 – Chinese National Holiday (no classes)

October 16th – PEP Talk

October 19th – End of Quarter 1

October 20th – Key Assignment Day (Saturday)

October 21st – Halloween 5K Fun Run/PTA BBQ

October 25 to 27 – ACAMIS Volleyball in Beijing

October 25 to 27 – TIAN MUN

October 29 – Early Dismissal at 1pm (Parent Conferences)

October 30 – Early Dismissal at 1pm (Parent Conferences)



QISS Weekly Update: 2018-2019 WEEK 7



If you are a member of our diverse and talented school community at QISS, please share our story with a friend.


QISS의 다양한 학교 생활과 행사에 관한 이야기를 주변분들과 나눠 주시기 바랍니다.


If you would like to stay updated on the great things happening at QISS, please extract the QR code below.


더 많은 다양한 소식을 원하시면 아래의 QR코드를 스캔해 주시기 바랍니다.



QISS Weekly Update: 2018-2019 WEEK 7



Qingdao No. 1 International School of Shandong Province

232 Songling Road

Laoshan District, Qingdao, China 266101

Tel: (0532) 6889-8888

Email: admissions@qiss.org.cn

Web: www.qiss.org.cn

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