
QISS Weekly Update: Week 8 – 2016-2017

Table of Contents

Dear QISS Families and Friends,

As week 8 draws to a close, we now break to celebrate the Chinese National holiday. We hope you enjoy the holiday and look forward to catching up with all of your travel stories when we return. Upon our return we will begin the final week of Quarter One. The Quarter One Key Assignments will be held the following Saturday (October 15th). Please see the schedule below for more information about Key Assignment day.



Key Assignment Day schedule

8:20 a.m. – Students / Parents Arrival at School (all students to Homeroom)

8:30 a.m. – PTA General Meeting in the Theater

9:00 a.m. – Key Assignment Presentations Session 1 

  • Pre-K/K
  • Grade 3
  • Grade 4, 9, 10 & 11
  • Grade 7
  • QCIE Grade 9
  • Grade 12

10:00 a.m. – Key Assignment Presentations Session 2 

  • Grade 1
  • Grade 2
  • QISS & QCIE Grade 8
  • Grade 7 Blue
  • Grade 7 Orange
  • Grades 9-12

11:00 a.m. – Key Assignment Presentations Session 3 

  • Grade 5
  • Grade 4
  • Grade 8
  • QCIE Grade 8
  • Grades 9-12

12:00 Noon – Family Lunch in the Cafeteria

1:00 p.m.  Dismissal


No Director’s Family Swimming Program this Saturday.

Please be aware that due to the Chinese National Holiday, the swimming pool cannot be opened tomorrow, so the Director’s Family Swimming Program cannot be held this weekend. It will resume when we return from the break.

2016 annual director s swim program


QISS First Ever Halloween 5K fun-run


This year, QISS has a brand new event that is open to not only QISS students and parents, but also their guests and friends. On October 30th we will be holding our first ever Halloween 5K fun-run. In this event, participants will come to QISS dressed in their Halloween costumes, walk or run a 5 kilometer race, and then enjoy a BBQ lunch. We encourage all QISS families to get involved and to invite their friends to also participate. The cost is 100RMB per race participant. If parents want to race, they also pay 100RMB, but if they just want to watch, they do not have to pay. The fee includes a t-shirt, the BBQ lunch and a finisher’s item. The other proceeds will be donated to the QISS PTA. For more information please contact Mr. Krakowski at mkrakowski@qiss.org.cn

qiss halloween 5k 2016



Click the link below to visit the highlights photo gallery for this week.

2016-2017 Week 8




2016-2017 Academic Calendar

  • October 3-7: Chinese National Holiday Break
  • October 14: End of Quarter One
  • October 15: Quarter One Key Assignments
  • October 19: PSAT
  • October 20-22: TIANMUN
  • October 21: Q1 Report Cards
  • October 30: QISS Halloween 5K fun-run
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