

QISSMUN Committees

  • The General Assembly is one of the six main organs of the United Nations. The purpose of the UN General Assembly is to serve as a forum for member states to discuss and coordinate on international issues of common concern. It is responsible for setting the UN’s agenda, approving its budget, and electing non-permanent members to the Security Council, among other important functions. In QISSMUN 2023, the GA is an organized committee that deals with pressing global issues around the globe.
  • Measures to Reduce Gaps in Accessibility to Education.
  • Mitigating the Impact of Bullying and Discrimination on Juvenile Mental Health.
  • Minimizing the Impact of Increasing Heat Wave in South Asia.
  • Addressing the Challenges of Global Food Security and Reducing World Hunger
  • The Security Council is one of the six main organs of the United Nations. The purpose of the UN Security Council is to maintain international peace and security. It is responsible for identifying threats to peace, taking action to address them, and enforcing its decisions through measures such as sanctions or military force when necessary. In QISSMUN 2023, the Security Council is a high-level committee that deals with pressing global issues, often related to conflicts or threats to peace.
  • Situation in Ukraine.
  • Situation in South Sudan.
  • Situation in Yemen.
  • Strengthening Global Cooperation on Issues of Cybersecurity and Data Privacy
  • The Human Rights Council (HRC) is an intergovernmental body of the United Nations, through which States discuss human rights conditions in the UN Member States. The Council’s mandate is to promote “universal respect for the protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms for all” and “address situations of violations of human rights, including gross and systematic violations, and make recommendations thereon.”
  • Measures to Resolve the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
  • Addressing the Human Rights Implications of the Newly Emerged Artificial Intelligence Technology
  • Combating Discrimination and Violence Against Members of the LGBTQ+ Community
  • Addressing Human Rights Abuses Against Refugees and Asylum Seekers
  • The Environmental Commission (ENV) is a specialized committee of the United Nations General Assembly that focuses on environmental issues of global concern. The commission aims to promote international cooperation and coordination on environmental policies and initiatives and to address pressing environmental challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and sustainable development. In QISSMUN 2023, the Environmental Commission will provide a platform for delegates to engage in meaningful discussions and develop effective solutions to these critical environmental issues.
  • Reducing the Impact of Urbanization on the Environment through Green Infrastructure
  • Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions to Mitigate Climate Change
  • Promoting the Use of Renewable Energy Sources to Reduce Dependence on Fossil Fuels
  • Promoting Sustainable Tourism Practices to Minimize the Negative Impact of Tourism on the Environment and Local Communities
  • The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) is the central forum for discussing international economic and social issues. ECOSOC coordinates with the fourteen United Nations specialized agencies, functional commissions, and five regional commissions to break barriers around the globe.
  • Measures to Restore the Economic and Social Status in Ukraine
  • Measures to Restore the Economic and Social Status in Russia
  • Measures to Direct the Global Market Toward Sustainable Production and distribution
  • Measures to Strengthen Humanitarian and Economic Assistance
  • The Chinese Committee is a specialized committee in Model United Nations conferences that focuses on policies and international concerns of the People’s Republic of China. As one of the world’s largest and most influential countries, China plays a critical role in shaping global affairs and addressing pressing international issues. In QISSMUN 2023, the Chinese Committee will provide a unique opportunity for delegates to explore China’s position on a range of issues, from economic development to human rights to regional security, and to develop a deeper understanding of China’s role in the international community.
  • 中国委员会是联合国模拟会议中的专门委员会,关注中华人民共和国的外交政策和国内事务。作为全球最大和最具影响力的国家之一,中国在塑造全球事务和应对紧迫的国际问题方面发挥着至关重要的作用。在QISSMUN 2023中,中国委员会将为代表们提供独特的机会,探讨中国在经济发展、人权、区域安全等一系列议题上的立场,并深入了解中国在国际社会中的角色。
  • Measures to Use Accessible Technology to Improve Education in Developing Countries 利用便利的电子技术改进发展中国家教育的措施
  • Measures to Reduce Racial Discrimination in the Criminal Justice System 减少刑事司法系统中种族歧视的措施
  • Measures to Increase Universal Access to Affordable, Clean, and Renewable Energy 促进普遍获得可负担的清洁和可再生能源的措施
  • Measures to Reduce Gender Gaps in Social Protection 缩小社会保障方面性别差距的措施
  • The QISSMUN Youth Conference is a special assembly built for younger beginners to have their first experience in MUN. Like other committees, the Youth conference lays students with a solid foundation for future MUN debates at a beginner-friendly pace. In QISSMUN 2023, the Youth Conference focuses on various topics that serve the purpose of advocating for sustainable global development.
  • Protection of Endangered Animals and Threatened Wildlife
  • Measures to Reduce Factory Farming
  • Mitigating the Negative Impact of Brain Drain on LEDCs
  • Promoting Water Security in Transnational Desert Climates

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